KJM celebrates 25th Anniversary of Pasadena Toastmasters Club

This year marked the 25th Anniversary of Pasadena’s Toastmasters Club, originally founded by Kevin J. Moore. Now titled Crown City Toastmasters, the club celebrated their anniversary and welcomed Mr. Moore back as the Key Note speaker.

“It was a great celebration,” exclaims Mr. Moore. Kevin J. Moore was the very first President of then named, Pasadena JC’s Toastmaster Club. He worked diligently for over one year to get the club off the ground and running. One of the first meeting places for the Pasadena JC Toastmasters Club was in the basement of Cal-Tech University. Over time meetings moved to various other places including restaurants and meeting rooms. “Once chartered by Toastmasters International, the club really took off and has been thriving ever since,” states Mr. Moore. The Crown City Toastmasters Club has over 20 active members currently. If you would like more information please visit: https://crowncitypasadena.toastmastersclubs.org/

Ashley, Marketing Manager